Dedicated Design for Interchangeable Gases
As in any gas distribution system, the design of the distribution of interchangeable gases must be rooted in the complete understanding of the requested performance, the conditions where the plant will operate, and the physics of the fluids involved. This is why we believe that a generalization of this matter is helpful but not sufficient to build up a correct design. In other words, every plant copes with specific conditions and its design is not the automatic output of a case study approach. On this account, the following solutions should be acknowledged as examples of our know-how in designing, manufacturing, and installing interchangeable gas distribution systems.
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Energy Saving: a Mixture of Natural Gas, Air, and Biogas for the City of Copenhagen

Hofor, the company who manages the gas distribution for the city of Copenhagen, decided to recuperate the energy content of available biogas. Since their network had been distributing town gas (a mixture of natural gas and air), they asked us to deliver a mixing unit capable of adding biogas to the town gas; even so, the network's Wobbe Index had to remain unchanged.
According to Hofor, in the first year, 2.5 millions Nm³ of biogas were distributed, thus saving approximately 1.5 millions Nm³ of natural gas.
Peak Shaving Natural Gas Demand with LPG-Air for Suzuki

In its Hungarian factory, the car company Suzuki had to limit natural gas consumption in winter time, due to the constraints of their natural gas supply contract. Indeed, they had to meet their energy needs with an alternate source. Given the availability of LPG, they asked us to supply a stand-by system capable to automatically curtail natural gas consumption (with a pre-set maximum value) and to face peak demand with a supplement of a LPG / air mixture interchangeable to natural gas. In CAM's history, since the late '50s, similar requests were placed by many clients. The plants we install today are the evolution of what we installed for Austrian, Czech, German, and Swiss Clients since 1959. CAM's VMG unit, the core of our peak-shaving systems, is the state of the art of our fluid dynamics know-how.
Civil Gas Distribution: Mixture of LPG and Air for the City of Cagliari

Civil distribution networks are a typical application of the LPG-Air mixing plant equipped with our "compact" venturi mixers (constant flow rate type), especially wherever the arrival of the natural gas pipeline is planned or foreseen. Simple functioning of the mixers (on-off) and high (overall) rangeability make this system a proven solution for such distribution networks' characteristics (low pressure, big volume, highly variable gas consumption). Furthermore, thanks to the gas interchangeability factor, the LPG-air plant produces a steady calorific value mixture that feeds directly into natural gas appliances. Since 2000, Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy), distributes gas with our LPG / air mixing plant.
A Redundant Solution: Mixture of LPG and Air for Alumar's Industrial Plant

In 2011, Liquigas Distribuidora S.A., the biggest Brazilian LPG distributor, requested us to design and manufacture an LPG-Air mixing system for ALCOA Company. Due to energy savings and environmental impact, LPG-air mixture had to replace diesel oil, the fuel used in the anodes baking furnaces in Alumar's facility, the largest refinery of alumina in Brazil. The LPG-air plant has been designed as a "fully redundant system," since, at present, the mixture is the only fuel available. For this installation Alumar received an award for environmental management in 2012.
Gas Distribution in Cold Alpine Winters: Mixture of LPG and Air for the Town of Bagolino

LPG-air mixing plants equipped with our "compact" mixers are a sound solution for gas distribution, even if natural gas won't be available. As a matter of fact, it is always convenient to have gas with a steady calorific value that can be directly used with natural gas appliances. Furthermore, the low dew point (much lower than pure LPG) makes the mixture particularly suitable for distribution, especially in cold climates. The small mountain town of Bagolino, nice resort on the Italian Alps, is an example. More than one thousand end users are currently served; despite the severe weather conditions of their winter, they never experienced lack of service.